Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Pictures Finally

Okay, so a few weeks or months ago I said I would post pictures of my craft weekend. Well I finally have pictures of one of those projects. It is a baby blanket. It was a lot harder than it looks and I'm pretty sure I will never try to do something like this again.

it isn't that big but I figure it will work
This is a really weird picture to add to my blog, I know. But there is a reason. This is the color of the babies room. We finally got it painted. The color is amber yellow. I really like it but these pictures don't truly show the color.

There is less than one week until we find out what "it" is. As soon as we know I will post it on the blog so you can share in the excitement.

p.s. pray for a girl!!!

Monday, October 15, 2007


I had seen a lot of cute blogs and wondered were they were from. Finally I found out were to get them. Tell me what you think about the new layout. After this week I promise I will post pics about everything that we have done.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Winter Wonderland

For those of you who do not live in the crazy state of Idaho. Here is a preview of what I woke up to on Saturday.

Needless to say, it was a big surprise. Luckily it is gone now, but I am glad that the first snow fall for the year is over. Now hopefully it doesn't snow for many more months or at least until this baby is out and then I can enjoy the snow. I doubt my luck is very good to get this wish.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Busy, Busy, Busy

Life has been running 90 mph. We never know if we are coming or going. I keep hoping this will end but it never seems to.
I went to the doctor yesterday and was happy to find out we only have 4 more weeks until we find out what we are having! Eric is very excited to find out what "it" is. He has already bribed the doctor with money to make sure it is a boy. I just hope that it is a girl so he can have his hopes crushed. I guess that is pretty mean but I think it would be great. Whatever it is, we just hope it comes healthy.
School is going great. I was excited to turn in my grad application and finally have some of the madness done. It is weird to think only 91/2 more weeks of school. I will sure be glad to move on. I just don't know what I will do everyday!!!
I have a lot of fun pictures from Devin's first formal dance. This weekend we went and helped my parents with the dinner. It brought back way too many memories. Don't want to remember a lot of them. I'll post the excitement when I have a few more minutes.
Maybe someday the circus will end or at least slow down.