Monday, April 14, 2008

Blessing Day

This weekend we blessed Addi. It was a very special day. We enjoyed every part of it and loved all the new experiences. For me, it was really special because she was blessed in my blessing dress. It was interesting to see the similarities between the two of us in the same dress. We also had the experience of having a lot of family and friends together for the day. It was a lot of fun to see the great-grandma's experience Addi. Se was a sweetheart and slept the whole time. Although Grandpa Phillips decided to peek and said she was semi-awake during the blessing. It was a really great day. I need to thank my mom for all her help in getting things ready and organized. Enjoy this pics. (Jen these are for you especially)

To My Friends Jodee and Stacy

This post is to my friends Jodee and Stacy. Both Jenny and I were to slow to add your links and then e-mail to get passwords for your sites. We both really want to stay in contact so if you see this, please e-mail us at

Tuesday, April 8, 2008


Things have been changing a lot around the Brusman Home. We are finding that life seems to get sweeter and sweeter everyday. Addi is a lot of fun to have around and we are finding that a four week old baby is more fun than a newborn baby. The changes seem to come every minute. I'm starting to realize that I won't have a sweet innocent baby for long.

Along with adding another addition to the family other things also changed. I lost my first baby. A week ago, Eric made the executive decision and traded in my G6 for a GXP. I was about to cry as I left the dealership and saw my cute car sitting there. Unfortuantely a coupe doesn't work with a baby. Maybe someday when I'm old I'll get another cute car. Now I have a mom car that I'm not sure I like (hence the reason for no picture) but Eric loves becuase it has tons of power. He also likes that he can make it have even more power. I still don't know why I married a man who loves cars.

We also had some exciting news when Kendall (my little brother) got his mission call. He is going to Portugal. Luckily he doesn't leave until July. I say luckily because I am starting to realize how hard it will be to say goodbye for a few years. I'm not sure if the family will survive with no snide comments from him. I also think Devin will be lost without his side kick. Hopefully a mission will straighten out these boys.

Eric was convinced his days of playing had ended when Addi came, somehow they haven't. In the four weeks Addi has been around Eric has gone snowmobiling over half of them. Somehow my brothers find ways to make Eric go play and Nat stay with the baby at Grandma's. This is their last trip to Island Park. They all said it was by far the best trip yet.

Addi is also changing very quickly. We went to her two week appointment the end of March and found out she gained a pound and a half. The doctor was very surprised at how much weight she gained and how alert and strong she was. I could have told him she was strong based on how sore my ribs were while she was baking. Here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks. This first one is on Easter Sunday. She got all dressed up and went to church with Grandma and Grandpa Buttars. She didn't even know she went to church because she slept the whole time.

She decided my back was a really good place. She got to pull and eat my hair.

Here is a picture we got with her eyes actually open. This doesn't happen all the time.
One of her favorite past times. Sleeping and suckin' the binkie
By the way Jen, she loves her little coat.