Monday, April 14, 2008

Blessing Day

This weekend we blessed Addi. It was a very special day. We enjoyed every part of it and loved all the new experiences. For me, it was really special because she was blessed in my blessing dress. It was interesting to see the similarities between the two of us in the same dress. We also had the experience of having a lot of family and friends together for the day. It was a lot of fun to see the great-grandma's experience Addi. Se was a sweetheart and slept the whole time. Although Grandpa Phillips decided to peek and said she was semi-awake during the blessing. It was a really great day. I need to thank my mom for all her help in getting things ready and organized. Enjoy this pics. (Jen these are for you especially)


The Grandma House said...

What a cute little girl! It looks like you guys had a very special day. Thanks for sharing your pictures. :)

stacy h. said...

natalie, she is so cute. we are going to bless quincy on june 29th, but her dress i think will be from gap. not as special as addi's. :)